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BusinessEurope criticises the questioning of tariffs on Chinese cars

Mr. Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope, speaking at Forum Europa

The President of the European employers' association BusinessEurope, Fredrik Persson, criticised this Thursday from the Forum Europa in Brussels those asking the European Commission to reconsider the application of tariffs on vehicles manufactured in China that arrive on the continent.

"I think there will always be tensions in this type of situation," said Persson at this event organised by New Economy Forum in the community capital, where he reminded those who are critical of tariffs that "it was the choice”. “It is a European project, a European project that has pros and cons".

The head of the European employers' association maintains that Europe has no other option because "together we are stronger."

Along these lines, he pointed out that “we should again bear in mind that there is no plan B because Sweden or Ireland could not be on par with the United States, China or Brazil.”

Regarding the electric vehicle in Europe, he pointed out that “the objective is to be resilient and make the supply chains of European companies stronger and more competitive”.

In any case, beyond the tariffs on China, he warned about the excessive fragmentation of the European single market since, as he denounced, “60% of the barriers are still here.” “We need to review the strategy,” he concluded.