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Borrell warns that eradicating Hamas alone will not bring Israel a solution for peace

Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
EC - Audiovisual Service

The European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, affirmed this Tuesday at Forum Europa in Brussels that Israel will not have security "even if Hamas is completely eradicated" and urged the implementation of the two-state solution.

During a meeting organised by the New Economy Forum in the EU capital, Josep Borrell responded to a question on what to do to stop civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and asserted that the solution lies in a ceasefire, the release of hostages and starting to work on a political solution.

The High Representative stressed that the release of the hostages captured by Hamas in the terrorist attacks of 7 October last year "is something that has to happen unconditionally".

Borrell admitted how difficult it is to achieve such a release, but insisted on the need for it to be achieved since, after weeks, it still has not happened despite numerous announcements of a possible agreement to do so.

He also urged a halt to the fighting and the provision of "massive humanitarian support" to the people of the Gaza Strip, who are on the brink of famine, something which, he said, "cannot happen without a cessation of hostilities", and recalled "the tragic murder of the seven humanitarian workers" of the NGO World Central Kitchen.

He called for a political solution for Palestine "because even if Hamas is completely eradicated, it will not bring the solution on its own", and pointed to the situation in the West Bank, where attacks on Palestinians by violent Israeli settlers continue unabated.

"Security and peace can only come from a political solution" and that is the two-state solution, he said, stressing that although difficult to implement it is the only way out "unless you really want to continue to live with the permanent threat to your security".