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  • Mr. Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope, speaking at Forum Europa
    BusinessEurope criticises the questioning of tariffs on Chinese cars

    The President of the European employers' association BusinessEurope, Fredrik Persson, criticised this Thursday from the Forum Europa in Brussels those asking the European Commission to reconsider the application of tariffs on vehicles manufactured in China that arrive on the continent.

    "I think there will always be tensions in this type of situation," said Persson at this event organised by New Economy Forum in the community capital, where he reminded those who are critical of tariffs that "it was the choice”. “It is a European project, a European project that has pros and cons".

    The head of the European employers' association maintains that Europe has no other option because "together we are stronger."

  • Mr. Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope, speaking at Forum Europa
    BusinessEurope warns that the EU cannot do without nuclear energy

    The President of BusinessEurope, Fredrik Persson, warned this Thursday at the Forum Europa in Brussels that Europe cannot do without any energy source, including nuclear production.

    This was stated by the head of the European employers' association at this event organised by the New Economy Forum in the capital of the EU, where he pointed out that energy policy is one of the keys for the continent to improve its competitiveness.

    In this regard, he warned that the cost of electricity in Europe is three times higher than in the United States, while the cost of natural gas is four or five times higher.

    For this reason, he stated that “we cannot choose a specific energy source” and added that “we need all of them and in a massive way”.

  • Forum Europa
    New Economy Forum establishes Forum Europa in Brussels with the aim of promoting the exchange of ideas to strengthen the Union

    Forum Europa started its activities in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, at the beginning of this year, under the motto "Ideas to Strengthen the Union" and coinciding with the final stretch of a crucial legislature and the elections to the European Parliament. 

    So far, Forum Europa has organised six events in Brussels: 

    Forum Europa with Ms. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, introduced by Ms. Nadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) (watch video)

  • Ms. Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), at the Forum Europa
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urges to strengthen collective bargaining

    The General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Esther Lynch, urged this Thursday at the Forum Europa in Brussels to strengthen collective bargaining and for workers to have access to unions.
    In the breakfast briefing organised by New Economy Forum in the EU capital, Lynch rejected that there are companies that hire workers who are not covered by a collective agreement and may compete unfairly.
    She called for strengthening collective bargaining and ensuring that unions can have a presence in the workplace and can reach workers. “All decisions are better through collective bargaining", Lynch stressed, but she added that such bargaining will be genuine if workers have access to unions and vice versa. “European democracy also involves being part of your union,” she said.

  • Ms. Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), at the Forum Europa
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urges “not to be afraid” of Artificial Intelligence and legislate to prevent its misuse

    The General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Esther Lynch, urged this Thursday at the Forum Europa in Brussels to “not be afraid” of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and at the same time legislate to prevent harm from its misuse.
    This is what she said at the breakfast briefing organised by New Economy Forum in the EU capital, in which she called for a dialogue about the “challenge” that Artificial Intelligence represents. She considered that science must be welcomed and innovation encouraged, but she stressed that it should not be done naively, but with “moral imagination.”